What will tomorrow look like for you? What about next week, next month, next year? What about in a decade? Are you absolutely certain that you’ll still be in a position to improve your circumstances 10 years from today? What if you get ill? What if you lose everything? Would it not be a good idea to future-proof your future?
Are you actively taking steps to improve your life, your lifestyle, your knowledge, your health and fitness or, like most people, are you just hoping for the best? Crossing your fingers and wishing you were lucky?
Maybe you made a New Year resolution in the last few days of December. Maybe you convinced yourself that you would stick to a regular workout routine at that expensive new gym you joined. Maybe they provided incentives to suck you in, like a free first month, a nice water bottle and t-shirt. How many times have you worn that t-shirt?
Maybe you decided this was the year you were going to write a book. There’s a book in all of us, as the saying goes. Is it even true? Probably not. And of the people who say they’re going to write one, how many actually do? Not many, is the answer.
Taking action is the hard bit. The classic song ‘Some Kinda Love’ by The Velvet Underground contains the line ‘Between thought and expression lies a lifetime’. It sounds good (and the song is an understated work of genius) but it doesn’t have to be true for you.
Some people WILL take a lifetime to produce their best work, or create the perfect circumstances for themselves and their families, but by then it’s too late. You’ll be old. And tired. And possibly sick. Surely it’s better to convert your thoughts (ideas, plans, brainwaves) into your expressions (actions, well-executed plans) as quickly as you possibly can.
After all, who wants to be a millionaire in a motability scooter or a zillionaire with a zimmer? Not that it’s just about money. We would all put different figures on the amount of passive income (from investments, businesses etc) that we would need to free up the time required to facilitate the ideal lives for ourselves (and our partners, families, friends etc).
Why not start now. Right away. Convert your ideas into business plans using sustained action as your catalytic converter. Do. It. Now. Read the book and follow the plan. Go on the three-day course. Get a mentor. It’s a well-trodden plan for success but only if you take action.
Remember time is finite. Have you ever been to a funeral? Well, that’s you one day. And that day is closer than you think. Tick tock, tick tock.
On the other hand, money is infinite. Governments around the world can print as much of it as they want. Who’s going to stop them – you and whose army?
To quote another classic song, Roadhouse Blues by The Doors, “The future’s uncertain and the end is always near”. It certainly was for the singer Jim Morrison. Dead in a Paris hotel bathtub at the age of 27.
That was a result of bad lifestyle choices but what he did do during his oh-too-short lifetime was transform his ideas (poems, short stories etc) into music that rocked the world in the late 1960s and 1970s, and still do today.
Despite the bad habits, he didn’t waste any time. He just got on with it, he made a fortune, created a legacy and made sure his forebears would want for nothing.
So make an immediate start on that idea. Take advice from people who have been there already, and continue to convert what’s in their heads into the life of their dreams.
It’s been done before. So do it better. Do it your way. We’d love to help you on your journey so get in touch,
As it says in the bible, don’t hide your light under a bushel’ i.e. don’t keep your abilities and good qualities hidden from other people. Get out there and shine like you were always supposed to.
Thanks for reading, Now get out there and take action.
Andy McInnes